Dr. Frank Roach's profile

Dr. Frank Roach, DDS

Dr. Frank Roach, DDS
Dr. Frank Roach has been practicing general dentistry in the Atlanta area for over 20 years. In the course of his practice, Dr. Roach has incorporated the newest and most innovative techniques to make his patients comfortable and to provide them with a healthy smile.

Frank Roach DDS decided that he wanted to be in the medical field at a young age. He looked up to his family doctor and dentist and wanted to provide that same level of care to his patients in the future. Dr. Roach excelled in dental school and was able to open his own practice shortly thereafter.

Some of the treatments that Dr. Roach offers are standard cleanings and exams, fillings and crowns, and general cosmetic dentistry like tooth whitening services. He offers these services to patients of all ages. His practice is able to offer the newest treatment protocols because he keeps up with the latest developments in the dental field.

Frank Roach DDS is especially interested in working with patients who may experience dental phobia. He believes that these patients need to be made to feel at home and that they need complete trust in their dental professionals if they are to follow what can sometimes be an extensive treatment plan.

In his spare time, Dr. Frank Roach is a private pilot. He enjoys playing tennis and spending time with his pets. He has made it his life’s work to make sure that he provides quality dental care to his patients.

How did you get started in this business?

I became interested in dentistry when I was in college. I had considered going to medical school, but as I learned more about dentistry, I discovered that the field is exciting. It is satisfying to help patients feel better about their teeth.

How do you make money?

I am primarily paid by patients’ insurance companies, but some of my patients do pay cash.

How long did it take for you to become profitable?
It took a few years before I was able to pay off my student loans and start making a profit. After that, I became able to invest money in my business and hire excellent employees.

When you were starting out, was there ever a time you doubted it would work? If so, how did you handle that?

I’m sure that everyone has doubts when they open their own business. You always wonder whether you will be able to attract enough patients to stay open. Search engines were really in their infancy when I first started, so it was harder to find patients.

How did you get your first customer?

I helped one of my parents’ friends. They were happy with my work and referred more patients to me.

What is one marketing strategy (other than referrals) that you’re using that works really well to generate new business?

Social media and my blog have been excellent. I try to keep the blog up to date with the latest trends in the dental profession. I am able to reach patients in Atlanta who would not have heard of my practice otherwise.

What is the toughest decision you’ve had to make in the last few months?

Closing my office for COVID-19 was an exceedingly difficult decision. I did not want to let my employees go. Of course, it was a serious public health emergency and I wanted to follow all of the regulations. When we did reopen, we used all of the health and safety guidelines to update our procedures and the disinfection of our office.

What do you think it is that makes you successful?

I believe that determination makes me successful. I’m not one of those people who will back down when I’m challenged. I take a great deal of pride in my work, and when I run into opposition, I stand up for myself.

What has been your most satisfying moment in business?

One of my patients with a serious dental phobia recently completed their treatment plan. Going from a mouth with several problems to a healthy smile gave me a great feeling of satisfaction, as did the patient’s gratitude.

What does the future hold for your business? What are you most excited about?

I plan to keep offering the most advanced dental care to my patients. I frequently go to training programs so that I can use the newest equipment. This means that patients get their treatments done faster with less time spent in the chair. This is particularly important for my busy patients.

The new developments I mentioned before are exciting. I am also excited about the prospect of hiring new staff and training them to a high standard. I think that the dental field is in a good place right now, and that as life returns to normal, many people will have to catch up on the work they missed while everything was shut down.

What business books have inspired you?

My favorite business book is The Entrepreneur Dentist by Dr. Jerry Lanier, DDS. I have been in the field for a long time, but he had some helpful tips and information that I would not have thought of on my own.

What advice would you give to your younger self?

I would tell myself that I was making the right decision when I chose dental school over medical school. Some of my friends looked down on dentists, and I was at first discouraged by that. Fortunately, I decided that I was going to make up my own mind about my career and that I would pursue dentistry.

Are you willing to be a mentor? If so, how should someone contact you?

No, not at this time, though if readers have questions, they can contact me through my social media presence.
Dr. Frank Roach, DDS

Dr. Frank Roach, DDS
